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"I don't have enough good things to say about Danielle! Leading up to the day I was having a lot of anxiety around all of the attention, photos/videos. But her and her assistant made me feel so, so comfortable. That's something that has stuck with me since then - such an important quality in your videographer. She did an amazing job covering all of the moments - big and small. Whenever something was happening that I wanted to be caught on camera, I would turn and she was already there. Moments that I didn't know were happening, but were sentimental to us - she was also there. Her creative eye and the way she pieced all of the footage together, edited it, chose the right music, etc - totally exceeded my expectations. 10/10 all around. Highly recommend hiring her for your wedding or event!"

callie + zach

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"I don't have enough good things to say about Danielle! Leading up to the day I was having a lot of anxiety around all of the attention, photos/videos. But her and her assistant made me feel so, so comfortable. That's something that has stuck with me since then - such an important quality in your videographer. She did an amazing job covering all of the moments - big and small. Whenever something was happening that I wanted to be caught on camera, I would turn and she was already there. Moments that I didn't know were happening, but were sentimental to us - she was also there. Her creative eye and the way she pieced all of the footage together, edited it, chose the right music, etc - totally exceeded my expectations. 10/10 all around. Highly recommend hiring her for your wedding or event!"

CALLIE & zach